Age Verification Failures

How to use the ID Scan URL and webhook features to recover from Age Verification Failures

If an order is rejected because of an age verification failure, you can present the user with a URL where they can scan their government issued ID and recover from the Age Verification failure. When submitting an order via Update an Orderor Create an Order, the response will include an ageVerification property that includes an idScanUrl. If the user uploads a government ID and it is valid, Vinoshipper will flag the order as age verified and it will be accepted if it is resubmitted.

To be notified that an order has been approved, you will need to configure an 'Orders' webhook in your Vinoshipper account. The webhook body will include the order number, and the status of 'Approved'

   "subject": "ORDER",
   "event:" : "APPROVED",
   "href" : ""